Biogas Services

Tekniska verken in Linköping has been an important player in developing Sweden’s competence in the field of biogas production and was early to recognize the need to invest in research and development of processes for producing biogas from waste. Having devoted many years to developing the production of biogas, we are now eminently qualified in this field and can today manage a variety of organic residues.

Through external assignments and in-house research, Tekniska verken R&D Biogas is now in the forefront of biogas production development in Sweden. We continuously strive towards improving our processes in order to gain increased biogas yield from existing substrates.

We work in projects for both in-house and external applications. For this purpose, we have a well-equipped laboratory where we perform advanced lab-scale experiments in patented reactors in semi-continuously mode. We have developed reliable methods for correct measurements of biogas potential and at Tekniska verken’s accredited water laboratory in the same building, water and sludge analyses are performed.

Biogas Services  

Tekniska verken R&D Biogas can assist you in several different stages; including evaluation of choice of feedstock, laboratory trails, advice regarding plant design to process surveillance and optimization.  At Tekniska verken R&D Biogas we use patented laboratory biogas reactors to simulate new processes or new scenarios for existing biogas plants. Due to extensive experience in conducting digestion experiments in laboratory conditions and the close cooperation with Tekniska verken’s accredited Water Laboratory, we deliver high quality results with excellent applicability in full-scale. 

In this way, alterations in full-scale (which can be hazardous for process stability) can be first evaluated in laboratory scale.

We can offer

We have a laboratory in-house (accredited for ISO/IEC 17025) for analyzing several chemical process parameters such as: volatile fatty acids (VFA), nitrogen-fractions, dry matter, volatile solids, pH and metals.

Examples of projects which can be performed together with R&D Biogas:

  • Simulation of start-up of new biogas processes in laboratory scale
  • Evaluation of new substrates or alteration in process parameters in laboratory scale
  • Analysis and evaluation of digestate quality
  • Process consulting and monitoring of full-scale biogas plants

Reference projects 

  • Greve Biogass AS – “Start-up of a new biogas production plant in Norway”
  • Rena Hav AB – “Simulation of biogas production from fishery waste”
  • Västervik Biogas AB – ”Co-digestion of salt-rich substrate and primary sludge”
  • Linköpings avloppsreningsverk – ”Increased biogas production at a WWTP with co-digestion”
  • Swedish Biogas International AB – ”Process additive supplementation to boost biogas production”
  • Svensk Biogas i Linköping AB – ”Post-digestion potential at low mesophilc temperatures”

For more information please contact

Johan Böök

Public Affairs, Tekniska verken i Linköping AB
013-20 82 62


Erik Nordell

Produktansvarig Biogas, Vatten och avlopp
013-30 85 42


Jan Moestedt

Forskning- och utvecklingsingenjör, Tekniska verken
013-20 93 77


Sören Nilsson Påledal

Processingenjör Teknik & System, Tekniska verken


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